Garnishment {CV 6124} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Tennessee

 Tennessee   Local County   Shelby   Court Of General Sessions   Civil Court 
Garnishment {CV 6124} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Tennessee

Last updated: 11/21/2024

Garnishment {CV 6124}

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EXECUTION BY GARNISHMENT. This form is used for garnishing wages in the state of Tennessee through the Shelby County Court of General Sessions. It details the process of collecting a debt from a defendant's wages after a judgment has been made. The form requires the employer (garnishee) to provide information about the defendant's wages, deductions, and the number of children the debtor has under the age of sixteen. It calculates the disposable income available for garnishment, which is the amount that can be legally withheld from the defendant's paycheck. If the amount is greater than the exemption limits, a garnishment is implemented. The form also includes instructions for the employer on how much to withhold from the defendant's wages for a specified period. The purpose is to recover a judgment debt, including costs, through wage garnishment.

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