Objections To Garnishment And Notice Of Hearing {MC 49} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

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Objections To Garnishment And Notice Of Hearing {MC 49} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 10/28/2024

Objections To Garnishment And Notice Of Hearing {MC 49}

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MC 49 - OBJECTIONS TO GARNISHMENT AND NOTICE OF HEARING. This form from in Michigan allows a defendant to contest a garnishment order directing a third party to withhold funds to pay a debt. A defendant can object if funds are legally exempt, if bankruptcy is pending, if there is an installment payment order, if the garnishment limit is reached due to another court order, if the debt is already paid, or if the garnishment was issued incorrectly. Filing the form requests a court hearing to decide if the garnishment should continue or be changed. 15 USC 1672, 15 USC 1673, MCR 3.101(K). www.FormsWorkflow.com

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