Order To Reschedule Hearing To Change Or End Restraining Order {DV-316} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Domestic Violence Prevention 
Order To Reschedule Hearing To Change Or End Restraining Order {DV-316} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 12/31/2024

Order To Reschedule Hearing To Change Or End Restraining Order {DV-316}

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DV-316 - ORDER TO RESCHEDULE HEARING TO CHANGE OR END RESTRAINING ORDER. This form is used in California to either approve or deny a request to change the date of a hearing related to modifying or ending a domestic violence restraining order. If granted, this form provides the new date and time for the hearing and confirms that any existing restraining orders remain in effect until that date. If the request is denied, the original hearing date remains. The form includes instructions for serving this updated order to the other party and details about whether service by personal delivery or mail is required. It also clarifies if any additional supporting documents are attached and if sheriff or marshal services are needed for serving the order. Judicial Council of California, Mandatory Form. Family Code, § 6345. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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