Response To Request To Change Child Custody And Visitation Orders {DV-325} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Judicial Council   Domestic Violence Prevention 
Response To Request To Change Child Custody And Visitation Orders {DV-325} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 12/31/2024

Response To Request To Change Child Custody And Visitation Orders {DV-325}

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DV-325 - RESPONSE TO REQUEST TO CHANGE CHILD CUSTODY AND VISITATION ORDERS. This form is used by a respondent to reply to a request to change child custody and visitation orders in the context of a domestic violence restraining order. The form allows the respondent to agree or disagree with the requested changes and to provide details or objections. It also gives the opportunity to propose alternative custody or visitation arrangements if the respondent does not agree with the requested changes. The form includes sections for the respondent to provide information about the children's living situation, other relevant court cases, and specific requests like travel restrictions or access to the children's school and health records. Judicial Council of California, Mandatory Form. Family Code, §§ 3048, 3063, 6323, 6323.5.

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