Authorization To Cancel Electronic And Bank-By-Mail Direct Deposit {CCSD 0002} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Cook   Child Support 
Authorization To Cancel Electronic And Bank-By-Mail Direct Deposit {CCSD 0002} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 1/2/2025

Authorization To Cancel Electronic And Bank-By-Mail Direct Deposit {CCSD 0002}

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CCSD 0002 - AUTHORIZATION TO CANCEL ELECTRONIC AND BANK-BY-MAIL DIRECT DEPOSIT. This form is for child support payments through the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. It allows a participant in the Clerk's and/or SDU's direct deposit program to cancel their direct deposit arrangement and receive their child support payments by mail until further instructions are provided. The form requires the participant to provide their court docket number, day time telephone number, bank name, bank city, bank routing number, account number, and type of account. The participant must also sign and date the form, and a notary public must verify the signature.

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