Withdrawal {JD-AC-8} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

 Connecticut   Appeals   Supreme-Appellate Court 
Withdrawal {JD-AC-8} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 1/10/2025

Withdrawal {JD-AC-8}

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JD-AC-8 - WITHDRAWAL. This form is used to formally withdraw an appeal, cross-appeal, or any related motions or applications in an appellate case in Connecticut. This form allows the party filing the appeal (or their attorney) to notify the court and all other involved parties that they are withdrawing the appeal or specific pleading. It includes identifying information about the case, whether the withdrawal applies to all parties or specific parties, whether the withdrawal is a result of a settlement conference, and details of any motions or petitions being withdrawn. The form also includes a certification that the document was properly delivered to all parties and complies with the relevant rules. P.B. §§ 63-9, 63-10. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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