Certificate Regarding Transcripts {JD-SC-40} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

 Connecticut   Appeals   Supreme-Appellate Court 
Certificate Regarding Transcripts {JD-SC-40} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 1/10/2025

Certificate Regarding Transcripts {JD-SC-40}

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JD-SC-40 - CERTIFICATE REGARDING TRANSCRIPTS. This form is used in Connecticut appellate cases to certify whether a transcript is necessary for an appeal. The party filing the appeal (or their attorney) must indicate whether a transcript is required and provide any relevant order or details related to it. If a transcript is needed, they must either attach the Appeal Transcript Order Form or indicate that it has been filed. The form also includes a certification that the filing complies with applicable rules, including the delivery of copies to all other parties and redactions to protect personal identifying information. P.B. § 63-4. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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