Motion For Innocent Owner Exception Hearing | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   City (Municipal Court)   Lakewood 
Motion For Innocent Owner Exception Hearing | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Motion For Innocent Owner Exception Hearing

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IN THE LAKEWOOD MUNICIPAL COURT STATE OF OHIO CITY OF LAKEWOOD, Plaintiff vs. _________________________ Defendant ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No._______________________ MOTION FOR INNOCENT OWNER EXECPTION HEARING (O.R.C. 4503.235) Now comes __________________________________ vehicle owner/lienholder, and moves the Court to schedule a hearing regarding the vehicle and plates described below which may be immobilized/forfeited pursuant to O.R.C. 4507.38 or 4511.195 at the time of the defendant's sentencing. _________________ Vehicle Year ____________________ Make/Model ____________________ Plate Number _____________________________________ Owner/Lienholder Name (printed) ___________________________________________ Owner/Lienholder Street Address ___________________________________________ Owner/Lienholder City, State, Zip _________________ VIN Number _____________________________________ Owner/Lienholder Phone Proof of Ownership (Certificate of Title or registration) and Proof of Insurance will be presented in Court by owner. Proof of interest lien will be presented by Lienholder _______________________________________ Owner/Lienholder I certify that a copy of the above motion was delivered to the Prosecutor of the City of Lakewood by:(check one) ____ Personal Service: ___ U.S. Mail, this ______ day of _______________, 200 __. _______________________________________ Owner/Lienholder Court will advise you of the Court hearing in writing. American LegalNet, Inc.

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