Judgment Entry Appointing Assessor {319} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Butler   Probate   Adoption Petition 
Judgment Entry Appointing Assessor {319} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 5/22/2006

Judgment Entry Appointing Assessor {319}

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<document>PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIOIN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF(Name after adoption) CASE NO.JUDGEMENT ENTRY APPOINTING ASSESSOR [R.C. 3107.012, 3107.031]ThismatterhavingcomebeforetheCourtonthePetitioner(s)Application ForAppointmentofAssessorand the Court being otherwise fully advised,IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that be appointed assessor in this case and provide assessor services as required by Chapter 3107 of the Revised Code, andIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the cost of the assessor services will be the sole responsibility of the Petitioner(s) and that the Petitioner(s) is/are instructed to contract directly with the assessor regarding payment for such services, subject to the provisions of section 3107.10 of the Revised Code.Probate Judge3/98BCPC FORM 319 -JUDGEMENT ENTRY APPOINTING ASSESSOR2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.</document>

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