Application For Approval Of Payment Of Appointed Counsel Fees And Expenses {515} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Butler   Probate   Guardian Of An Incompetent 
Application For Approval Of Payment Of Appointed Counsel Fees And Expenses {515} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 6/5/2007

Application For Approval Of Payment Of Appointed Counsel Fees And Expenses {515}

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<document>PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIOIN THE MATTER OF GUARDIANSHIP OFCase No.APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OFAPPOINTED COUNSEL FEES AND EXPENSESThe undersigned, having been appointed counsel for the guardian of the indigent ward, moves thisCourt for an order approving payment of fees and expenses as indicated in the itemized statement on the reverse side hereof. I certify that I have received no compensation in connection with providing representation in this case other than that described in this application or which has been approved by the Court in a previous application, nor have any fees and expenses in this application been duplicated on any other application. Either an attorney under my supervision or I have performed all legal services itemized in this application.As attorney for the guardian I was appointed on,. This casehas/has not been terminated. I am submitting this application on.,Name:Signature:Address:SUMMARY OF HOURS, EXPENSES, AND BILLINGOut-of-court hoursX (rate)=$In-court hoursX (rate)=$Total Fees$Expenses$Total amount requested$JUDGMENT ENTRYThe Court finds that counsel performed the legal services set forth on the itemized statement on thereverse side hereof, and that the fees and expenses set forth on this statement are reasonable.IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that counsel fees and expenses be, and are hereby approved, in theamount of $.Judge/MagistrateBCPC FORM 515 -APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PAYMENT1/98OF APPOINTED COUNSEL FEES AND EXPENSES2002 © American LegalNet, Inc.EXHIBIT AITEMIZED FEE STATEMENTOUT-OF-COURT HOURSIN-COURT-HOURSDate of Service Inter-viewsTotalTotalInvesti-gationResearch&amp; WritingNegotiationTravelAppoint-mentHearingStatusReviewHearingIn Court OtherOut of CourtOther&amp; ConferencesTOTAL HOURSHRS: INHRS: OUT*NOTE: Time is to be reported in tenth of an hour (6-minute) increments.I hereby certify that the following expenses were incurred:* Use the following categories for type: (1) Experts (2) Postage/Phone (3) Records/Reports (4)Transcripts (5) Travel (6) OtherEXPENSETYPEAMOUNTPAID TOTOTAL*To obtain reimbursement, the purpose of each expense must be clearly identified, and a receipt must be provided for each expenditure of $1.002002 © American LegalNet, Inc.</document>

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