Last updated: 4/13/2015
Ex Parte Judgement Entry Appointment Of Emergency Guardian {505}
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PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF GUARDIANSHIP OF Case No. EX PARTE JUDGMENT ENTRY APPOINTMENT OF EMERGENCY GUARDIAN FOR INCOMPETENT PERSON Upon hearing the application for appointment of an emergency guardian herein the Court finds that is incompetent by reason of and further there exists emergency circumstances and that it is reasonably certain that immediate action is required to prevent significant injury to the person and/or estate of the proposed ward, that the proposed ward is incapable of taking proper care of himself herself and his her property, and that an emergency guardianship is necessary. The Court further finds that notice of the hearing thereon cannot be given because of the emergency existing; that the incompetent is a resident of this county or has legal settlement herein; and that this Court has jurisdiction. The Court therefore appoints competent person, emergency guardian of the person and estate of incompetent, limited to the following: , a suitable and The Court orders notice of the appointment of the emergency guardian be issued to the ward. The Court orders Letters of Emergency Guardianship be issued to as provided by law, for the limited period from to . Date Probate Judge (Seal) BCPC FORM 505 - EX PARTE JUDGMENT ENTRY APPOINTMENT OF EMERGENCY GUARDIAN FOR INCOMPETENT PERSON - PDF 08-01-2007 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com