Last updated: 4/13/2015
Oath Of Subscribing Witness
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Estate of: File No.: Register of Wills of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Oath of Subscribing Witness(es) , [Print Full Name(s)] (each) a subscribing witness to the Will dated and/or Codicil(s) dated, ____________________ presented herewith, (each) being duly qualified according to law, depose(s) and say(s) that he/she/they was/were present and saw __________________________, Testator/Testatrix sign the same and that he/she/they signed as witness(es) at the request of the Testator/Testatrix in his/her presence and in the presence of each other. (Signature) (Address) (City, State, Zip) (Signature) (Address) (City, State, Zip) Executed in Register's Office Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed before me this ___________ day of ___________________, 20______. ____________________________ for the Register of Wills Executed out of Register's Office Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed before me this ____________ day of _____________________, 20_____. ______________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires: (Signature and Seal of Notary or other official qualified to administer oath(s). Show date of expiration of Notary's Commission.) www.buckscounty.org Rev. 01/12 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com