Last updated: 4/13/2015
Not For Profit Certificate Of Domestication {INHS53B}
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FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS WANTS YOU TO KNOW... Business Identity Theft is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of crimes involving the unauthorized use of a business identity. Small and midsize companies are tempting targets for criminals. 60% of small businesses close within a year of being victims. In an effort to be more business friendly and to heighten security, the Department of State has instituted an e-mail notification process whereby business entities are sent e-mail notices when any changes are made to their records. This e-mail notice will be sent to the previous e-mail address of record. If the change was not authorized by a principal of the business entity, you will be able to notify the Department utilizing a link provided in the e-mail. The 2012 Florida Statutes 817.155 Matters within jurisdiction of Department of State; false, fictitious, or fraudulent acts, statements, and representations prohibited; penalty; statute of limitations.--A person may not, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the Department of State, knowingly and willfully falsify or conceal a material fact, make any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation, or make or use any false document, knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry. A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com COVER LETTER Department of State Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314 SUBJECT: Enclosed is an original and one (1) copy of the Certificate of Domestication and a check for: FEES: Certificate of Domestication Articles of Incorporation and Certified Copy Total to domesticate and file OPTIONAL: Certificate of Status $ 8.75 $50.00 $78.75 $128.75 Name (printed or typed) Address City, State & Zip Daytime Telephone Number E-mail address: (to be used for future annual report notification) INHS53b (12/12) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com NOT FOR PROFIT CERTIFICATE OF DOMESTICATION The undersigned, __________________________________ , _______________________________ (Name) (Title) of _____________________________________________________________a foreign Corporation (Corporation Name) in accordance with section 617.1803, Florida Statutes, does hereby certify: 1. The date on which corporation was first formed was _________________________, ________ . 2. The jurisdiction where the above named corporation was first formed, incorporated, or otherwise came into being was ____________________________________________________________ . 3. The name of the corporation immediately prior to the filing of this Certificate of Domestication was __________________________________________________________________________ . 4. The name of the corporation, as set forth in its articles of incorporation, to be filed pursuant to s. 617.01201 and 617.0202 with this certificate is _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ . 5. The jurisdiction that constituted the seat, siege social, or principal place of business or central administration of the corporation, or any other equivalent jurisdiction under applicable law, immediately before the filing of the Certificate of Domestication was _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Attached are Florida articles of incorporation to complete the domestication requirements pursuant to s. 617.1803. I am _________________ , of ________________________________________________________ and am authorized to sign this Certificate of Domestication on behalf of the corporation and have done so this the _____ day of _______________________________________________ , ___________ . _________________________________________________ (Authorized Signature) Filing Fee: Certificate of Domestication Articles of Incorporation and Certified Copy Total to domesticate and file INHS53b (12/12) $50.00 $78.75 $128.75 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION In compliance with Chapter 617, F.S. (Not for Profit) ARTICLE I NAME The name of the corporation shall be: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ARTICLE II PRINCIPAL OFFICE The principal place of business/mailing address shall be: Principal Address ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ARTICLE III PURPOSE The purpose for which the corporation is organized: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Mailing Address _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ARTICLE IV MANNER OF ELECTION The manner in which the directors are elected or appointed: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________