Case Evaluation Report | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

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Case Evaluation Report | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia

Last updated: 6/27/2007

Case Evaluation Report

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IN THE OFFICE OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA __________________________________ Plaintiff Civil Action No. _________________________vs. __________________________________ Defendant CASE EVALUATION REPORT APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION OF CASE _____ FULL AGREEMENT Courts original to be prepared by: __________________________________________ PARTIAL AGREEMENT Courts original to be prepared by:__________ ________________________ The issues remaining are: _________________________________________________________________ NO AGREEMENT was reached today, but it is the determination of this case evaluator and the parties involved that an agreement is likely. _____ An additional ADR session has been scheduled for ____________________, 200___, at _______(a.m.\p.m.), at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center. _____ We will call the court to schedule an additional ADR session._____ OTHER ___________________________________________________________________________Present at this case evaluation session were: Name Affiliation________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The case evaluation session was from _____________ (a.m.\p.m.) to _____________ (a.m.\p.m.).Compensation status for mediation services: _____ Paid in full by both parties. _____ Payment is due from ______________________________ in the amount of $_____________.__________________________________ __________________________________Plaintiff Defendant __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________Case Evaluator Date

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