Cover Sheet 362d Relief From Stay | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

 New York   Federal   Bankruptcy Court   Western District 
Cover Sheet 362d Relief From Stay | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 3/20/2007

Cover Sheet 362d Relief From Stay

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Cover Sheet 362(d) Relief From Stay (To summarize information set forth in the motion) Debtor____________________________________ Chapter__________ Case No.__________________Date debtor(s) petition filed:____________________________________ Trustee ____________________________________________________ Equity Analysis 1. (a) Collateral _________________________________________________________________________ (b) Owned by ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Market value of property and basis ________________________________________________________ Schedules Appraisal Tax Assessment NADA (for auto) Other 3. Amount of mortgages and liens __________________________________________________________ 4. Estimated cost of sale _________________________________________________________________ 5. Total equity ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is this the debtors residenceyes no Payment Information a) Number of missed payments ___________________________________________________________ b) Total arrearages ____________________________________________________________________ Please Note the Following: 1. This cover sheet must accompany every 362(d) motion served and filed with this court for the purpose ofassisting the court in its review of your papers. Failure to do so will result in your papers being returned toyou unprocessed. 2. Copies of mortgage or lien documents and proof of lien perfection must be attached to every 362(d)motion involving secured property. Failure to do so will result in the motion being denied. 3. Every motion must be accompanied by the following: a) A proposed order which is an exhibit to the motionto be served on all parties. b) An original order to be submitted to the court for determination and subsequent entry.

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