Notice Of Trustees Intent To Sell (Private Sale) (Rochester) | | New York

 New York   Federal   Bankruptcy Court   Western District 
Notice Of Trustees Intent To Sell (Private Sale) (Rochester) |  | New York

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Notice Of Trustees Intent To Sell (Private Sale) (Rochester)

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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK _____________________________________________________________________________________ In re Case No.: Chapter: SSN/Tax ID: Debtor(s) SSN/Tax ID: _____________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S INTENT TO SELL --PRIVATE SALE-- The Trustee, ____________________________________ intends to conduct a private sale of property of the bankruptcy estate pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 6004(a), as follows: Description of Property or Interest to be Sold (include liens, if any): Buyer's Name and Address (and relationship of buyer to debtor, if any): Price (and payment terms, if any): Trustee's basis for purchase price: Other terms, conditions, or information regarding the sale: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that unless an objection or a request for a hearing is filed with the Bankruptcy Court Clerk, the Trustee, and the U.S. Trustee regarding the above sale by ___________________________ the intended sale will go forward and the Trustee will sell the above interest or property by virtue of the Trustee's statutory powers, without further Notice or Order of the Court. A hearing will take place before the Honorable Paul R. Warren, United States Bankruptcy Judge, at the U.S. Courthouse, 100 State Street, Rochester, New York on: _______________________________________ at ___________________ AM____ PM ____ if a timely objection is filed. Dated: Lisa Bertino Beaser Clerk of Court (rev. June 2012) American LegalNet, Inc.

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