Last updated: 5/29/2015
Guardians Account (Trumbull) {15.8}
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PROBATE COURT OF TRUMBULL COUNTY, OHIO -$0(6 $ )5('(5,&.$, JUDGE IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF CASE NO. GUARDIAN'S ACCOUNT [R.C. 2109.30] ACCOUNT FROM TO (Balance from previous account) (year) Voucher No. $ $ $PHULFDQ /HJDO1HW ,QF ZZZ86&RXUW)RUPVFRP 15.8 GUARDIAN'S ACCOUNT 3/1/96 Case No: RECAPITULATION Total Receipts Total Disbursements Balance Remaining $ $ $ ITEMIZED STATEMENT OF ALL FUNDS, ASSETS AND INVESTMENTS ITEM $ Attorney Attorney Registration No Guardian Typed or Printed Name Address of Guardian ENTRY SETTING HEARING The Court sets and time for hearing the above account. at o'clock .M., as the date Date -DPHV $ )UHGHULFND 3UREDWH -XGJH $PHULFDQ /HJDO1HW ,QF ZZZ86&RXUW)RUPVFRP