Last updated: 5/29/2015
Judgment Entry-Appointment Of Guardian For Incompetent Person (Trumbull) {17.5}
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352%$7( &2857 2) 7580%8// &2817< 2+,2 -$0(6 $ )5('(5,&.$ -8'*( IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF _______________________________________ CASE NO. _______________________ JUDGMENT ENTRY APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR INCOMPETENT PERSON [R.C 2111.02] Upon hearing the application for appointment of guardian herein the Court finds that ___________________________________________________________________ is incompetent by reason of ___________________________________________________________________________________ and therefore is incapable of taking proper care of _____ self and _____ property, and that a guardianship is necessary. The Court further finds that all persons who were entitled to notice of the hearing thereon were given or waived notice thereof; that the incompetent is a resident of this county or has legal settlement herein; and that this Court has jurisdiction. It is therefore ordered that a (limited) guardian of the (person and estate) be appointed. The Court therefore appoints ________________________________________________________, a suitable and competent person, (limited) guardian of the (person and estate) of ____________ __________________________________________________________, incompetent, with the powers conferred as described, and limited to those powers contained in the Letters of Guardianship issued by this Court. This appointment is in compliance with R.C. 2111.09. The Court approves the bond as filed. The Court finds a record of the hearing was waived. The Court orders Letters of Guardianship issue to _______________________________________________ as provided by law. _________________________ Date ______________________________________________ -DPHV $ )UHGHULFND 3UREDWH -XGJH (Seal) 17.5 JUDGMENT ENTRY APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR INCOMPETENT PERSON American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com