Last updated: 8/3/2015
Notice Of Deposit Into Registry Of Court Of Cash In Lieu Of Corporate Bond
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OFFICE OF LAURA RICHARD, COUNTY CLERK, FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS PROBATE COURTS DEPARTMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS )( )( DOCKET NO. . COUNTY OF FORT BEND )( )( ESTATE OF: COUNTY COURT AT LAW # . )( Deceased/Incapacitated/Minor . NOTICE TO COUNTY COURT AT LAW JUDGE OF DEPOSIT INTO REGISTRY OF COURT OF CASH IN LIEU OF CORPORATE BOND COMES NOW, LAURA RICHARD, County Clerk and Clerk of the County Courts at Law of Fort Bend County, Texas, giving notice to the Honorable County Court at Law of Fort Bend County, Texas, of the receipt by said County Clerk from on , 20 , of the sum of $ , (In Lieu of Corporate Bond). , LAURA RICHARD, COUNTY CLERK FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS BY . Deputy APPROVED this the ______ day of _________________, 20__ _______________________________________________, Judge American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com