Last updated: 1/24/2007
Schedule A-Sole Custody Child Support Worksheet
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Schedule A SOLE CUSTODY CHILD SUPPORT WORKSHEET Case: Judge: INCOME Custodial Parent: Father's Gross Monthly Income: Mother's Gross Monthly Income: Parents' Combined Gross Monthly Income: CHILD/CHILDREN INFORMATION Number of Children From Marriage: Medical Insurance For Children: Extraordinary Medical/Dental Expenses for Child/Children: Work Related Child/Day Care: State Guideline Support Required: Total Child Support Required: CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS Medical Insurance Paid By Non-Custodial Parent: Father's Proportional Share: Mother's Proportional Share: Percentage: Percentage: Date: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com JOINT CUSTODY SUPPORT GUIDELINE WORKSHEET Case: Judge: GROSS INCOME OF PARTIES FATHER Gross Monthly Income of Each Party: Parents' Combined Gross Monthly Income: Each Parties Percent of Combined Income: MOTHER Date: Number of Children From Marriage: Child Support From Guideline Table: Total Shared Support (Guideline Table x 1.25): FATHER Total Days in Year Each Parent has Children: Each Parent's Custody Share (%): Each Parent's Child Support Obligation: Work Related Child/Day Care: Health Insurance Paid by Parent: Extraordinary Medical/Dental Expenses: Parents Total Support Obligation: Parents Proportional Support Obligation: NET SUPPORT PAYABLE BY ONE PARENT TO OTHER: MOTHER =365 Days American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com SPLIT CUSTODY SUPPORT GUIDELINE WORKSHEET Case: Judge: GROSS INCOME OF PARTIES Father/Husband Gross Monthly Income of Each Party: Parents' Combined Gross Monthly Income: Each Parties Percent of Combined Income: SUPPORT OBLIGATION OF PARENTS Father/Husband Number of Children With Each Parent: Child Support From Guideline Table: Extraordinary Medical/Dental Expenses: Health Insurance For Child/ Children Paid by Parent: Parents Total Support Obligation: Parents Proportional Support Obligation: Net Support Payable by One Parent To The Other: Mother/Wife Mother/Wife Date: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com