Pendente Lite Order | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Virginia

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Pendente Lite Order | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Virginia

Last updated: 1/24/2007

Pendente Lite Order

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VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE CITY OF NEWPORT NEWS ____________________________ Complainant ____________________________ Defendant * * * * * * * Chancery #_______________ PENDENTE LITE ORDER THIS CAUSE came on to be heard upon pending motions for pendente lite relief, the complainant appeared ___ in person ___ by counsel, the defendant appearing ____ in person ____ by counsel OR ____ the defendant not appearing after having been duly notified, ____ upon consent of the parties, ____ upon a hearing based on the evidence. NOTICES AND INFORMATION: Pursuant to §29-60.3, Code of Virginia, the parties are hereby notified of the following provisions of Virginia law and the parties hereby represent to this court that the information provided below is true information: 1. Support payments must be withheld as they become due pursuant to §20-79.1 or §2079.2 from earnings as defined in §63.1-250, without further amendments of this Order or having to file an application for services with the Department of Social Services. Support payments may be withheld pursuant to Chapter 13 (§63.1-249, et seq.) Of Title 63.1 without further amendments to the order upon application for services with the Department of Social Services. A duty of support is owed for the following children of the parties: 2. 1. Name _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Date of Birth __________ __________ __________ __________ Resides With _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ American LegalNet, Inc. 2. The following is true information regarding each parent of the child or children subject of this Order: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Complainant DOB Address Home Tel. # SSN/OP LIC Employer Address Bus. Tel. # Defendant DOB Address Home Tel. # SSN/OP LIC Employer Address Bus. Tel. # __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. A petition may be filed for the suspension of any license, certificate, registration or other authorization to engage in a profession, trade, business or occupation issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia to a person responsible for support as provided in §63.1263.1, upon a delinquency for a period of ninety days or more or in an amount of $5,000 or more. (i) __________________ presently holds a __________________________ (license/certificate/registration) issued by Virginia to engage in the profession, trade, business or occupation of _______________________ ___________________________ . __________________ presently holds a __________________________ (license/certificate/registration) issued by Virginia to engage in the profession, trade, business or occupation of _______________________ ___________________________ . (ii) OR [ ] Neither party holds any such license, certificate, registration or authorization. American LegalNet, Inc. 6. 7. The Order of this Court as to the amount and terms of the child support and spousal support are set forth in the support provisions of this Order. [ ] This order does not contain any provision for health care coverage for dependent children. [ ] No provision is made for health care coverage for a spouse or former spouse. [ ] The orders of this court as to health care coverage for children, spouse or former spouse and any policy information are set forth in the health care provision of this order. 8. The order of this court as to the amount and terms of any arrearages in support are set forth in the arrearage provision of this order. If support provided in this order becomes payable through the Department of Social Services (DSS), the parties shall give each other and DSS at least thirty days' advance written notice, in advance, of any change of address and any change in telephone number of his current employer, and in addition, the delinquent obligor shall inform DSS of the name, address and telephone number of his/her current employer. The separate amounts due to each person under this order for child support, for spousal support or for a unitary award, or the affirmation of a separation agreement, are set forth in the support provision of this order. In determination of a support obligation, the support obligation as it becomes due and unpaid creates a judgment by operation of law. The Department of Social Services may, pursuant to Chapter 13 (§63.1-249, et seq.) of Title 63.1 and in accordance with§20-108.2 and §63.1-252.2, initiate a review of the amount of support ordered by any court. 9.&10. 11. 12. 13. WHEREUPON, the court having considered the statutory factors set forth in the Code of Virginia, and having considered all testimony and evidence submitted by the parties and the argument of counsel, it is ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECREED as follows: 6. CUSTODY AND VISITATION: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. Either party who intends to relocate his or her residence shall give a thirty-day advance written notice of any such intended relocation of any intended change of address, said notice being given to both the other party and to this court. 7. SUPPORT A. Child Support: ______________________________ shall pay to _________________________ as child support, the sum of $_________________ per _______________________, beginning ___________________, 20_____ and to be paid ________________________________ until further order of this court. This support shall continue to be p

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