Last updated: 4/19/2007
Certificate Of Gross Retail Or Use Tax Exemption (Motor Vehicle Or Watercraft) {ST-108E}
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Form ST-108E State Form 48841 R3/ 5-05 NAME OF DEALER Indiana Department of Revenue Certificate of Gross Retail or Use Tax EXEMPTION for the Purchase of a Motor Vehicle or Watercraft Dealer's RRMC # (Registered Retail Merchant Certificate Number) Dealer's FID # (Federal Identification Number, 9 digits) TID# (10 digits) Dealer's Plate Number LOC# ( 3 digits) Address of Dealer City State Zip Code NAME OF PURCHASER(S) (PRINT OR TYPE) SSN, TID, OR FID # (Mandatory) Address of Purchaser City State Zip Code Vehicles Identification Information of Purchase VIN # (Vehicle Identification Number) or HIN # (Hull Identification Number) Year Make Model/Length Calculation Of Purchase Price 1. Total Purchase Price ......................... 2. Trade-Allowance (Like-kind exchanges only) ............... 3. Net Purchase Price (Line 1 minus Line 2) ......................... 1. Trade in Information VIN # (Vehicle Identification Number) or HIN # (Hull Identification Number) 2. Year Make Model/Length 3. NEW RESIDENT STATEMENT Must Be Completed if Exemption # 8 is claimed, see reverse side. I certify that I became a resident of INDIANA on (month & year) __________________________________. My previous State of Residence was ___________________________. I hereby certify that the above statement is true and correct. Date ______________ Signature of Owner __________________________________________________________________________________ SALES/USE TAX WORKSHEET To be completed if Sales and/or Use Tax was paid to a state other than Indiana, Exemption # 15. See reverse side. Date of Purchase 1. Purchase price of property subject to sales/use tax .......................................................................... 1. $ 2. Indiana sales/use tax due: Multiply Line 1 by sales/use tax percentage (6%) ................................ 2. 3. Credit for sales tax previously paid to another state ........................................................................ 3. (Do not include flat fees, local, and/or excise taxes.) In what state was the tax paid? 4. Total amount due: Subtract Line 3 from Line 2. ................................................................................. 4. $ (Line # 3 can not exceed Line # 2) DIRECT RELATIVE IDENTIFICATION EXEMPTION (Must Be Completed if Exemption # 11 is claimed, see reverse side). Name(s) on original title Name(s) being added/deleted PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION EXEMPTION (Must be completed if exemption # 6 is claimed and you are not a school bus operator.) USDOT # (U.S. Department of Transportation Number) I certify that the above vehicle or watercraft is exempt from sales/use tax under exemption # _______________ (see reverse side). I also certify that any sales tax credit shown as paid to an out of state dealer using exemption #15 was actually collected by the dealer and the dealer has not provided the buyer with a check to be paid to the BMV. I understand that making a false statement on this form may constitute the crime of perjury. Date Signature of Purchaser American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Relationship of above parties GENERAL INFORMATION INDIANA CODE 6-2.5-9-6 requires that a person titling a vehicle or watercraft present certification indicating the state gross sales and use tax has been paid; otherwise, the payment of the tax must be made directly to a Bureau of Motor Vehicles license branch. If NONE of the exemptions apply to the purchase, Form ST-108 must be completed by the dealer and the purchaser to indicate that the sales/use tax was collected by the dealer. The dealer is then required to submit the sales/use tax to the Department of Revenue. The exemptions that are available are as follows: A purchaser's ID # (SSN - Social Security #, TID - Indiana Taxpayer Identification #, FID - Federal Identification #) is mandatory to claim the following exemptions. The exemption is not valid without one. Exemptions available are: 1. Vehicles or watercraft purchased by Indiana or Federal governmental units or their instrumentalities. 2. Vehicles or watercraft purchased by nonprofit organizations operated exclusively for religious, charitable, or educational purposes and using the vehicle for the purpose for which such organization is exempt. The applicant MUST indicate its 13 digit Indiana TID and LOC number on the front of the form. The nonprofit name must be on the title to claim this exemption. 3. Issue title for the sole purpose of adding lien holder information. This exemption is not available to add, delete, or change the name on a title. 4. Trucks, not to be licensed for highway use, and to be directly used in direct production of manufacturing, mining, refining or harvesting of agricultural commodities. Ready-mix concrete trucks are exempt under this paragraph even though they are to be licensed for highway use. Vehicles registered with farm plates are not exempt. 5. Sales of motor vehicles or watercraft to Registered Retail Merchants acquiring the vehicles or watercraft to rent, or lease to others and whose ordinary course of business is to rent or lease vehicles or watercraft to others. 6. Vehicles or watercraft to be predominately used for hire in public transportation. (Hauling for hire.) Your USDOT number must be shown on the reverse side of this form. Predominate use is greater than 50%. 7. Vehicles or watercraft transferred from one individual to another with no consideration involved or received as outright gift or inheritance. Assumption of loan payments by the purchaser constitutes consideration and is therefore NOT exempt unless the transferred party was listed on the original security agreement. A copy of the original security agreement must be submitted with the title paperwork. 8. Vehicles previously purchased, titled and licensed in another State or Country by a bonafide resident of that State or Country, who subsequently has become an Indiana resident, are exempt from Indiana sales/use tax upon titling and registration of the vehicle in Indiana. Watercraft previously purchased, titled, or licensed in another state, by a bonafide resident of that state, who subsequently has become an Indiana resident, are exempt from sales/use tax upon titling or registration of the watercraft in Indiana. The New Resident Statement on the front of the form MUST be completed. 9. Vehicles or watercraft purchased to be immediately placed into inventory for resale. NonIndiana dealers must enter both their FID number and their state's Dealer Licens