Order Terminating Conservatorship {JDF 890SC} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

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Order Terminating Conservatorship {JDF 890SC} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 10/4/2018

Order Terminating Conservatorship {JDF 890SC}

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JDF 890 SC R9/18 ORDER TERMINATING CONSERVATORSHIP District Court Denver Probate Court County, Colorado Court Address: In the Interests of: Protected Person COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Division Courtroom ORDER T ERMINATI NG CONSERVATORSHIP Upon consider ation of the Petition for Termination of Conservatorship and evidentiary hearing or hearing without appearance ; The c ourt finds that the statements in the p etition are true and correct; that notice has been properly given or waived; that this c onservatorship has been administered according to law and should be terminated because: T he p rotected p erson has attained the age of 21. The p rotected p erson died on (date). T he p rotected p and business affairs has been resolved. T he assets of the conservatorship are insufficient to warrant continued administration. O ther: I t is o rdered (including the payment of all fees, costs a nd expenses of administration as set forth therein) is: Dispensed with (all required waivers (JDF 889) were filed); or Allowed (accepted as filed without audit); or A pproved after audit ; or O ther: I t is o rdered that the c onserv ator distribute all assets of the conservatorship as set forth in the Petition for Termination of Conservatorship. The c ourt further o rders that the conservatorship is terminated. Date: Judge Magistrate Note: Upon filing final receipts, appropriate instruments evidencing transfer of title, or evidence confirming the ordered distribution, the c ourt must issue a Decree of Fin al Discharge , whereupon t he c onservator and any surety on the c must be released and discharged from all liability arising in connection with the performance of the c administration of this conservatorship will be terminated. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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