Last updated: 6/29/2009
Annual Report For Foreign And Domestic Corporations
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BRA-25 (10/96) G OVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA File Number___________________ ANNUAL REPORT FOR FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS DUE APRIL 15th Indicate if corporation is RETAIN A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR FILING FEES, PENALTIES, ETC. MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO D.C. TREASURER MAIL REPORT TO : DEPT. OF CONSUMER AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS BUSINESS REGULATION ADMINISTRATION, CORPORATIONS DIVISION P.O. BOX 92300, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20090 Domestic Profit Foreign Profit Non Profit Filing Fee $ _______________ Penalty Interest Total _______________ _______________ $ _______________ 1. Name of Corporation 4. Name of registered agent and address of registered office in the District of Columbia (Do not make change of agent or address on this form) 2. Organized under the laws of (insert District of Columbia, State or Country) 5. Brief statement of business or affairs conducted in the District of Columbia 3. If a foreign corporation, the address of its principal office in the state or Country where organized 6. If a domestic profit corporation, the address including street and number, of principal office in the District of Columbia ATTACH PAYMENT HERE 7. Name and address, including street and number of directors and officers NAME ADDRESS Director ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Director ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Director ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ President _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vice President _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Secretary _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Treasurer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DOMESTIC PROFIT CORPORATIONS ANSWER ARTICLES 8 AND 9 (Foreign corporations disregard articles 8 and 9) 8. Aggregate number of shares corporation has authority to issue 9. Aggregate number of shares issued NO. OF SHARES CLASS PAR VALUE PER SHARE SERIES OR WITHOUT PAR NO. OF SHARES CLASS SERIES PAR VALUE PER SHARE OR WITHOUT PAR FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATIONS ANSWER ARTICLES 10 THRU 12 (Do not apply to domestic corporations) 10. Date organized 12. Is corporation in good standing in State in which organized? Yes 11. Term of existence authorized perpetual Limited to ________________ years No PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK Date By _____________________________________________(signature) CORPORATE SEAL Pres. Its Asst. Sec'y Treas. A fee of $50.00 will be charged for dishonored checks Vice Pres. Sec'y Asst. Treas. (non-profit corporation only) FILED By American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com (Over) ANNUAL REPORT FOR FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS INSTRUCTIONS FILING FEES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Each DOMESTIC PROFIT CORPORATION pays a filing fee of $100.00. Each DOMESTIC NON-PROFIT CORPORATION pays a filing fee of $25.00. Each FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATION pays a filing fee of $100.00. Each FOREIGN NON-PROFIT CORPORATION pays a filing fee of $25.00. PENALTIES: 1. 2. Domestic and Foreign PROFIT corporations pay a penalty of $25.00 if not filed by April 15. Domestic and Foreign NON-PROFIT corporations pay a penalty of $5.00 if not filed by April 15. INTEREST: 1. If the annual report of any DOMESTIC PROFIT CORPORATION is unpaid on April 15 on which the same is due, the annual report fee shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per month until paid. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM: 1. Domestic profit and non-profit corporations must set forth the names and addresses of three directors and corporate officers in article 7 of the annual report. In case of a change or resignation of registered agent, or change of address of registered office, a statement of change form must be filed with the report. Forms are available from the Corporations Division. All outstanding fees and reports must be received and filed before any subsequent filings will be accepted by this office. Only one copy of the annual report is required. Failure to receive a report form does not relieve a corporation of the responsibility to file and pay on time. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS MUST ATTACH: 1. 2. The names and addresses, including street and number of all shareholders. A statement signed by an officer that each shareholder, director and officer of the corporation is currently licensed to render a professional service for which the corporation is organized. (Exemption for secretary if professional corporation includes only one licensee.) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com