Order To Show Cause - Return Of Youth To Foster Care {PH-7} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

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Order To Show Cause - Return Of Youth To Foster Care {PH-7} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 10/25/2021

Order To Show Cause - Return Of Youth To Foster Care {PH-7}

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F.C.A. §1091 Form PH-7 (Order to Show Cause for) Reentry into Foster Care) 8/2010 FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ............................................................................. In the Matter of Docket No. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE -RETURN OF YOUTH TO FOSTER CARE CIN # A Child under 21 Years of Age Who Was Discharged From Foster Care ................................................................................ Upon the affidavit of annexed hereto, it is , dated ORDERED that show cause before this Court at New York, on the day of , at o'clock in the morning afternoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as the parties can be heard, why an order should not be made returning the above-named youth to foster care and directing such other and further relief as the Court may determine, [Check box(es) if applicable]: And this Court having found, based upon the attached affidavit other [specify]: that it would be contrary to the welfare of the above-named youth to remain discharged from foster care during the pendency of this application and that reasonable efforts, if appropriate, were made to prevent the need to return the youth to foster care, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pending a decision on this application, the above-named youth shall be temporarily returned to the custody of the department of social services of [specify county]: AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that [specify]: AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that service by of a copy of this order together with the papers upon which it is granted upon [check applicable box(es): the above-named youth [if application brought by local department of social services] the local department of social services [if application brought by above-named youth] respondent parent(s) [specify]: [unless parental rights had been terminated] former foster parent(s) [specify]: other [specify]: on or before the day of , , be deemed sufficient service. Dated: , . ENTER Family Court Judge American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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