Last updated: 1/25/2024
Affidavit In Support Order Show Cause Agency Return Youth Foster Care {PH-7c}
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Form PH-7c - AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE BY AGENCY TO RETURN YOUTH TO FOSTER CARE. This form is used in the Family Court of the State of New York. It is completed by an official or caseworker from the relevant agency and serves the purpose of requesting the court to issue an order for the return of a youth to foster care. The form covers key information about the youth, details regarding their discharge from foster care, consent for the return, reasons supporting the return in the best interests of the child, sources of information, efforts made to prevent the return, and specific circumstances justifying urgent return or placement in a Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP). The form also addresses notification requirements for Native-American children and inquires about any prior applications for similar relief. The affiant affirms the truth of the statements and requests the court's intervention for the specified relief. F.C.A.§§1091, 1091-a; S.S.L. §§393, 409-h. www.FormsWorkflow.com