Affirmation In Support Of Motion By Youth To Reenter Foster Care {PH-7b} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

 New York   Statewide   Family Court   Permanency Hearing 
Affirmation In Support Of Motion By Youth To Reenter Foster Care {PH-7b} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 1/26/2024

Affirmation In Support Of Motion By Youth To Reenter Foster Care {PH-7b}

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Form PH-7b - AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF MOTION BY YOUTH TO REENTER FOSTER CARE. This form is used in the Family Court of the State of New York. It is submitted by an individual under 21 years old seeking to return to foster care after being discharged. The document includes personal details, reasons for the motion, consent or objection to enrolling in educational programs, an explanation of why returning to foster care is in the individual's best interests, and information on consent or lack thereof from relevant agencies. It also covers any assistance provided by agencies and may request immediate court intervention if necessary. The affiant affirms the truth of the statements under penalties of perjury and respectfully requests the court to grant the motion for return to foster care and any other deemed appropriate relief. If represented by an attorney, the attorney's information is included. F.C.A.§1091.

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