Small Claims Judgment | | Illinois

 Illinois   Local County   Macon   Civil 
Small Claims Judgment |  | Illinois

Last updated: 9/22/2014

Small Claims Judgment

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STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE _______________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ________________ COUNTY ________________________, Plaintiff, and ________________________, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. ____________ SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMENT The Court, having had a hearing on the Small Claims Complaint filed by Plaintiff, heard the evidence, and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, finds in favor of the Plaintiff in the amount of $ __________________ including court costs and fees. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Defendant ____________________________ shall pay to _____________________, the sum of $____________ per _______, the first payment to be made on the _______ day of _________________20 ___ and payable on the _______ day of each _____________ thereafter until the judgment has been paid in full. This judgment shall incur an interest rate of 9% per year until paid in full. DATE: __________________ ENTER:____________________________________________ Judge American LegalNet, Inc.

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