Last updated: 9/23/2014
Subpoena - Subpoena Duces Tecum
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Subpoena - Subpoena Duces Tecum IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF _____________ COUNTY, ILLINOIS _____________________________________________________ v. _____________________________________________________ } No.___________________________________ SUBPOENA To:________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear to testify before the Honorable ____________________________________ in Room _____________, ________________________________________________________________ Illinois on a.m. ______________________________________, ________, at _______________ p.m. YOU ARE COMMANDED ALSO to bring the following: in your possession or control. YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN RESPONSE TO THIS SUBPOENA WILL SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF THIS COURT. WITNESS _______________________________, ________ Atty . No. _________________ _________________________________________________ Clerk of Court Name: ________________________________________________ Attorney for: __________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________________ I served this subpoena by handing a copy to __________________________________________________________ __________________________________ on ________________________________________, ________ I paid the witness $ _________________________ for witness and mileage fees. _______________________________________________ Signed and sworn to before me on this ____________ day of __________________________________________, ________ _____________________________________ Notary Public American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com