Last updated: 6/4/2024
Summons (Residential Foreclosure-Mediation)
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SUMMONS (Residential Foreclosure/Mediation). This form is issued by the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Macon County, Illinois. The defendant is summoned to file an answer to the complaint or otherwise file their appearance in court within 30 days after service of the summons. If the defendant fails to do so and does not participate in the mediation process, a judgment by default may be entered against them. The case is set for a Mandatory Mediation Pre-Conference where a mediation coordinator will be present to discuss options for a potential mortgage modification. The defendant must appear for the pre-mediation conference or their right to mediation will terminate. The form also provides instructions for electronic filing, and resources for legal help and free foreclosure mediation. The form must be returned by the officer or person to whom it was given for service, with endorsement of service and fees, immediately after service. www.FormsWorkflow.com