Last updated: 11/16/2015
Motion To Intervene To Protect Assets And Notice Of Hearing {MC 112}
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Approved, SCAO Original - Court 1st copy - Plaintiff 2nd copy - Defendant 3rd copy - Applicant STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court address MOTION TO INTERVENE TO PROTECT ASSETS AND NOTICE OF HEARING CASE NO. Court telephone no. Plaintiff's name, address, and telephone no. v Defendant's name, address, and telephone no. Plaintiff's attorney name, bar no., address, and telephone no. Defendant's attorney name, bar no., address, and telephone no. Applicant's name, address, and telephone no. MOTION 1. I am not a party to this case, and I am not liable for the money judgment entered in this case. 2. I have an interest in property that is potentially subject to garnishment, tax intercept, seizure, or judgment lien as follows: (Describe bank accounts, state income tax returns, vehicles, personal property, mobile homes, homes, household goods, etc. Attach separate sheet if needed.) 3. I ask this court to enter an order protecting my assets described above from garnishment, tax intercept, seizure, judgment lien, or other attempts to satisfy the judgment. Date Signature of applicant To be completed by the court. A hearing will be held on Date NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION TO INTERVENE at before Hon. Time at Location . If you require special accommodations to use the court because of a disability or if you require a foreign language interpreter to help you fully participate in court proceedings, please contact the court immediately to make arrangements. Date Deputy court clerk CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that on this date I served a copy of this motion and notice on the parties or their attorneys by first-class mail addressed to their last-known addresses as defined in MCR 2.107(C)(3). Date Signature MCR 2.209(A)(3), (C) American LegalNet, Inc. MC 112 (8/12) MOTION TO INTERVENE TO PROTECT ASSETS AND NOTICE OF HEARING Instructions for Filing and Serving a Motion to Intervene to Protect Assets (Form MC 112) If you have property that might be taken through garnishment, tax intercept, seizure, or judgment lien for someone else's money judgment, you can ask the court to protect this property by using this form. 1. How do I file a Motion? You file a motion by completing the form and filing it with the same court that signed the money judgment. There is a $20 motion fee for filing a motion to intervene and protect assets. 2. Fill out the Motion form. Write in the court number, case number, the court address and telephone number, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the plaintiff and the defendant and any attorneys exactly as they are on the money judgment. Write in your name, address, and telephone number. Write in the details about all the property you want protected that might be garnished, intercepted, seized, etc. Write in the date you complete the form and sign your name. 3. Make four copies of the completed motion form. 4. File the Motion with the court. File all four copies of your objection with the court in person or by first-class mail. If you mail the motion, include a postage-paid and self-addressed envelope so that the court can return to you three copies with the Notice of Hearing completed. 5. Serve the Motion. When you get the three remaining copies of the objection with the Notice of Hearing completed, serve a copy on the plaintiff and defendant by first-class mail. If either party (plaintiff or defendant) has an attorney, serve the motion on the attorney instead of that party. Complete the Certificate of Mailing on the bottom of your copy of the form. Make a copy of this and file it with the court. You can do this either in person or by firstclass mail. Keep your copy for yourself. For information on preparing for a hearing generally, see the Michigan Court's Self-Help Center at NOTE: You must bring all documents to the hearing to support what you checked on the motion form. American LegalNet, Inc.