Request For Approval Of Bond And Notice {MC 95} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Request For Approval Of Bond And Notice {MC 95} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/16/2006

Request For Approval Of Bond And Notice {MC 95}

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Original - Court 2nd copy - Defendant Approved, SCAO 1st copy - Probate court 3rd copy - Plaintiff STATE OF MICHIGAN REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BOND AND CASE NO. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT NOTICE JUDICIAL DISTRICT SETTLEMENT/JUDGMENT WRONGFUL DEATH SETTLEMENT Court address Court telephone no.Plaintiff name Defendant name Plaintiffs attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. Defendants attorney, bar no., address, and telephone no. v Instructions: This form must be used in all settlements/judgments and/or wrongful de ath settlements when the plaintiff is a legally incapacitated individual, adevelopmentally disabled person, or a protected person, or when the plai ntiff is a minor and the value of the settlement/judgment to the minor is more than $5,000.Use a separate form for each individual awarded damages. If a settlemen t/judgment provides for creation of a trust, the trust shall not be funded without theapproval of the trust by the probate court in accordance with MCR 2.420( B)(5). Plaintiffs Counsel: After the circuit/district court judge completes t he Request, take it to the probate court to obtain written verification that the bond is approvedand that the bond, if any, has been filed with the probate court. The R equest will be presented to the probate judge assigned to the probate case. Once theprobate judge signs the Notice of Bond Approval, the entire form will be returned to you for filing with the circuit/district court. Dispositive orders will be enteredby the circuit/district court judge only after the Notice of Bond Approv al has been filed. Defense Counsel: Forward the settlement/judgment draft to plaintiffs c ounsel after you receive a true copy of the judgment, consent judgment, or order ofdismissal. REQUEST FOR BOND APPROVAL TO: , County Name of probate judge assigned to probate case RE: a legally incapacitated individual a minor Name (not the deceased person or the personal representative of the est ate) Probate case name and file number 1. a. I have conducted a hearing in accordance with MCL 600.2922(6)(a) for the purpose of approving the distribution of funds resolving a wrongful death action. b. I have conducted a hearing in accordance with MCR 2.420(B) for the pur pose of approving terms of a proposed settlement. 2. I approved full partial settlement/judgment in the amount of $ . 3. , the person serving as the fiduciary (guardian or conservator), Name of fiduciary is receiving no funds, individually, from the settlement/ receving $ . 4. The fiduciary will receive $ for the estate of , after costs and attorney fees. Name of deceased person 5. A trust is to be created under the terms of the settlement/judgment. is not to be created. Date Circuit/District judge Bar no. NOTICE OF BOND APPROVAL The required bond has been approved by this court and has been filed as appropriate. In lieu of bond, this court has approved a written agreement in regard t o use of funds that all assets shall be placed in a restricted account with no withdrawals or transfers to be made without probate cour t approval. Date Probate judge Bar no.MC 95 (6/05) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF BOND AND NOTICE (SETTLEMENT/JUDGMENT/WRONGFUL DEATH SETTLEMENT) MCR 2.420 American LegalNet, Inc.

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