Last updated: 5/30/2019
Wireless Telephone Service Transfer In Injunction Case {CV-437}
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CV-437, 05/16 Wireless Telephone Service Transfer Order in Injunction Case 247247813.12(4g), 813.122(5c), 813.123(5c) and 813.125(4g), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY Case Caption: Wireless Telephone Service Transfer Order In Injunction Case Case No. The Court issued an injunction on [Date] . THE COURT ORDERS: The wireless telephone service provider to transfer, within 72 hours of receipt of the order, to the petitioner each telephone number(s) he/she or a minor child in his/her custody uses as listed below: 1. The name and billing telephone number of the account holder 2. List each telephone number that will be transferred The provider transfers to the petitioner all financial responsibility for and right to the use of any telephone number(s) transferred. Financial responsibility includes monthly service costs and costs associated with any mobile device associated with the number(s). This Order shall not take effect if the wireless telephone service provider notifies the petitioner within 72 hours after it receives the order, that one of the following applies: 1. The account holder named in the order has terminated the account. 2. A difference in network technology would prevent or impair the functionality of a device on a network if the transfer occurs. 3. The transfer would cause a geographic or other limitation on network or service provision to the petitioner. 4. Another technological or operational issue would prevent or impair the use of the telephone number if the transfer occurs. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPEAL IF SIGNED BY A CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE. DISTRIBUTION 1. Court 2. Petitioner 3. Respondent 4. Wireless Telephone Service Provider 5. Other: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CV-437, 05/16 Wireless Telephone Service Transfer Order in Injunction Case 247247813.12(4g), 813.122(5c), 813.123(5c) and 813.125(4g), Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 of 2 Service Instructions for Petitioners: It is the responsibility of the petitioner to send a copy of this order to your wireless telephone service provider using the contact information listed below. Orders can be sent via U.S. mail, e - mail, or fax. Once the order is received, your service provider will contact you with further instructions. If your provider is not listed, it is your responsibility to obtai n information from your service provider regarding where to send this order. [ This list is current as of July 1, 2016. The Records Management Committee cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this list.] AT&T National Compliance Center Address: 11760 US Highway One , Suite 600 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Email: compcent@att.com Fax: Phone: 888 - 938 - 4715 800 - 635 - 6840 Nsight/ Cellcom Address: 450 Security Blvd. Green Bay, WI 54313 Email: legal@nsight.com Fax: Phone: 866 - 347 - 8988 920 - 617 - 7000 (ask for Legal) Sprint Executive & Regulatory Services Address: Attn: Brandon - Ross Howard P.O. Box 169014 Irving, TX 75016 Email: ERSDomesticViolenceInquiries@sprint.com Fax: Phone: 866 - 347 - 8988 201 - 355 - 5042 T - Mobile Address: Attn: Law Enforcement Relations 4 Sylvan Way Parsippany, NJ 07054 Email: LER4@T - MOBILE.COM Fax: Phone: 813 - 801 - 8864 or 973 - 292 - 8697 866 - 537 - 0911 U.S. Cellular Subpoena Compliance Team Address: One Pierce Place, Suite 800 Itasca, IL 60143 Email: Legal.compliance@uscellular.com Fax: Phone: 866 - 669 - 0894 630 - 875 - 8270 Verizon Address: P.O. Box 105378 Atlanta, GA 30348 Email: CO.TYSInquiries@vzw.com (*preferred) Fax: Phone: 678 - 339 - 7614 (*preferred) 608 - 221 - 1505 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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