Order For Name Change {CV-470} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

 Wisconsin   Statewide   Circuit Court   Civil 
Order For Name Change {CV-470} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

Last updated: 3/18/2021

Order For Name Change {CV-470}

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CV-470, 05/19 Order for Name Change 247786.36, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional materials. Page 1 of 2 Enter the name of the county in which this case was filed. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY Enter the current name of the person whose name is proposed to be changed. IN THE MATTER OF T HE NAME CHANGE OF First Name Middle Name Last Nam e Amended Order for Name Change Case No. Enter the case number. Enter the county and the date of the hearing. The Petition for Name C hange was heard by the Circuit Court of County, Wisconsin on the day of , 20 . THE COURT FINDS: In 1, e nter the county name. 1. The person whose name is to be changed lives in County, Wisconsin. In 2, enter the name as it appears on the birth certificate. 2. The name that appears on the birth certificate is [First] [Middle] [Last] In 3, enter the first, middle and last name if the person whose name shall be changed. 3. The name of this person shall be changed to [First] [Middle] [Last] In 4 , enter the address. 4 . The address of the person whose name is to be changed is . In 5 , enter the date of birth. 5 . The date of birth of the person whose name is to be changed is . 6 . It has jurisdiction and notice of the hearing , if required, has been given. 7 . The facts of the P etition are true and correct. 8. The Petition was published as a class 3 notice. In 8, enter any other info. 9 . Other: STOP! The court will complete the rest of this form. THE COURT ORDERS: 1. The Petition for Name Change is granted. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CV-470, 05/19 Order for Name Change 247786.36, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional materials. Page 2 of 2 2 . If the person was born in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin birth certificate shall shall not be changed. 3. If the person was married in Wisconsin, the W isconsin marriage certificate shall shall not be changed. 4 . Other: THIS IS A FINAL ORDER FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPEAL. DISTRIBUTION: 1. Court 2. Certified Copy - Register of Deeds 3. Petitioner American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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