Notice Of Firearms Possession Penalties {CV-432} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

 Wisconsin   Statewide   Circuit Court   Civil 
Notice Of Firearms Possession Penalties {CV-432} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

Last updated: 8/22/2023

Notice Of Firearms Possession Penalties {CV-432}

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CV-432 - NOTICE OF FIREARMS POSSESSION PENALTIES. This form is used in Wisconsin's Circuit Court to notify a person, referred to as the "Respondent," about the penalties associated with possessing firearms in violation of a court-ordered injunction. The form informs the Respondent that the court has issued an injunction ordering them to surrender any firearms they own or have in their possession, and a copy of the injunction is attached for their reference. The form then provides the following information to the recipient: 1. The recipient (person receiving the notice) is prohibited from furnishing any firearms to the Respondent in violation of the Injunction. This prohibition includes firearms that the Respondent is required to surrender as well as any other firearms. 2. The recipient is not allowed to return any firearms to the Respondent until a judge has specifically ordered that the firearms can be returned. 3. Knowingly furnishing the Respondent with a firearm in violation of the injunction is a serious offense that can result in a Class G felony charge. The penalty for this offense can include a fine of up to $25,000, imprisonment for up to 10 years, or both. The completed form is distributed to the court, the person to whom the firearm(s) were surrendered, the petitioner, the Respondent, and law enforcement. §§813.1285(3)(a), 939.05, and 941.2905, Wisconsin Statutes.

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