Initial Notice To Judgment Debtor Of Garnishment (Earnings) {AOC CVGE7F} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Arizona

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Initial Notice To Judgment Debtor Of Garnishment (Earnings) {AOC CVGE7F} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Arizona

Last updated: 7/29/2019

Initial Notice To Judgment Debtor Of Garnishment (Earnings) {AOC CVGE7F}

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Arizona Supreme Court Page 1 of 2 AOC CVGE7F-100518 AVISO El Tribunal ha ordenado que su empleador tome un parte de su sueldo y que pague a su acreedor hasta terminado el proceso en contra suya y este pagada la deuda. En conformidad con la ley, su acreedor tiene el derecho a 223solo una parte224 de su salario. Esta noticia explica su derechos. Ud. puede obtener una traducci363n Espa361ol del Tribunal. (1) [ ] JUSTICE COURT , COUNTY OF (2) [ ] MUNICIPAL COURT , COUNTY OF (3) [ ] ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF (4) Petitioner/Plaint iff [ ] Judgment Creditor [ ] Judgment Debtor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): (5) Respondent/Defendant [ ] Judgment Debtor [ ] Judgment Creditor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): (6) Garnishee: Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): Attorney: (7) Case N umber : INITIAL NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR OF GARNISHMENT (EARNINGS) NOTICE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR You are hereby notified that this Court has issued an order in the above case in favor of the judgment creditor in this proceeding, directing that some of your money, property or corporate shares or interest American LegalNet, Inc. Case Number: (7) Arizona Supreme Court Page 2 of 2 AOC CVGE7F-100518 be used to satisfy some or all of your debt to the judgment creditor. The order was issued to enforce the judgment creditor222s judgment or support order against you that was obtained as follows: Court name: (8) Court location: (9) Case number: (10) Date: (11) The judgment creditor named above says you have not paid what you owe on the judgment or support order. At the judgment creditor222s request, this Court issued a Writ of Garnishment (attached) to the garnishee named above. The writ says you earned or will earn money working for this garnishee. The Writ directs the garnishee to start taking out part of the money the garnishee owes you. If ordered by the Court, the garnishee will pay that money to the judgment creditor. This will happen with every paycheck until the judgment is paid or until the Court orders garnishee to stop. Garnishee will withhold only part of each paycheck, if any, depending on how much you earn. In some cases of very low income, no amount can be garnished except for an order for support of a person. Different exemption rights may apply to the collection of taxes. On each payday, you will get a statement that shows how much can be taken out, which is set by state and federal law. An attorney can assist you in determining what part of your pay is exempt. A comprehensive listing of exemptions is available from the website for the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona, arizonaexemptions.pdf If you do not agree, you can ask for a hearing for the reasons listed on the Request for Hearing on Garnishment (Earnings) form which accompanies this Judgment Creditor222s Notice to Judgment Debtor of Garnishment. To request a hearing, deliver the request for hearing form enclosed, or a substantially similar form to the Clerk of the Court. At the same time, you must mail or deliver a copy of the request for hearing to the judgment creditor and the garnishee at the addresses provided at the top of this document. If appropriate, you may request a hearing before the garnishee files the Garnishee222s Answer. If you request a hearing, it should be held no later than 10 business days after your request is received by the Court. The Court will notify you and the other parties of the time and date of the hearing. You may attend the hearing with or without an attorney. WARNING: If you want a hearing, the Court must receive your completed Request for Hearing on Garnishment (Earnings) form within ten (10) business days after you receive the Garnishee222s Answer. If you do not file the hearing request on time, you will not get a hearing unless the Court determines that there is a very good reason why you are late. American LegalNet, Inc.

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