Request For Hearing On Garnishment (Earnings) {AOC CVGE8F} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Arizona

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Request For Hearing On Garnishment (Earnings) {AOC CVGE8F} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Arizona

Last updated: 7/29/2019

Request For Hearing On Garnishment (Earnings) {AOC CVGE8F}

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Arizona Supreme Court Page 1 of 3 AOC CVGE8F-100518 (1) Person Filing: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Telephone Number(s): Representing: [ ] Self [ ] Attorney [ ] Other State Bar No. (if applicable): (2) [ ] JUSTICE COURT , COUNTY OF (3) [ ] MUNICIPAL COURT , COUNTY OF (4) [ ] ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF (5) Petitioner/Plaintiff [ ] Judgment Creditor [ ] Judgment Debtor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): (6) Respondent/Defendant [ ] Judgment Debtor [ ] Judgment Creditor Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): (7) Garnishee: Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Email Address: Phone(s): Attorney: (8) Case Number : REQUEST FOR HEARING ON GARNISHMENT (EARNINGS) (A.R.S. 247 12-1598.16(C)) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Number: (8) Arizona Supreme Court Page 2 of 3 AOC CVGE8F-100518 ATTENTION: DEFENDANT A/K/A JUDGMENT DEBTOR: YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHALLENGE THE FACTUAL BASIS FOR THE JUDGMENT AT THE GARNISHMENT HEARING. For example, if you believe that the evidence was insufficient, or if you believe that the service was not done correctly, then you should file an appropriate motion with the Court that entered the judgment. (ARCP Rule 60 and JCRP Rule 141) I am the judgment debtor (Defendant) or I represent the judgment debtor in this action. I want a hearing on the garnishment of earnings from this garnishee because: (9) Check all that apply. [ ] The amount being withheld from my pay is causing an extreme financial hardship for me or my family. Attention Judgment Creditor: If Judgment Debtor has requested a hearing on the Garnishment (Earnings) on the claim of financial hardship AND if Judgment Creditor has no objection to a reduction to 15% of the non-exempt disposable earnings, which is the minimum garnishment permitted by A.R.S. 247 12-1598.10(F), please provide a revised proposed form of Order of Continuing Lien at the 15% rate and the Court will vacate the hearing. [ ] The judgment creditor does not have a valid judgment against me because (A) [ ] The judgment has been paid in full. [ ] On my normal payday, I received no earnings (paycheck). [ ] I did not get a copy of the nonexempt earnings statement with my paycheck. [ ] My employer did not deliver to me, within 15 days of when my employer was served with the Writ of Garnishment, one or more of the following documents: [ ] Notice to Judgment Debtor [ ] Garnishee222s Answer [ ] Request for Hearing [ ] My debt to this judgment creditor is subject to a qualified debt scheduling agreement with: (If you checked this box, enter the name of the debt counseling organization that set up your debt scheduling agreement.) (B) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Number: (8) Arizona Supreme Court Page 3 of 3 AOC CVGE8F-100518 ( 10 ) ( 11) (12) I provided a copy of this request to Judgment Creditor on: Date: By: [ ] Mail [ ] Hand delivery I provided a copy of this request to Garnishee (my employer) on: Date: By: [ ] Mail [ ] Hand delivery I provided a copy of this request to the Judge/Commissioner on: Date: By: [ ] Mail [ ] Hand delivery The Court can call me at (13) (phone) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. regarding the hearing, if necessary. (14) Date Judgment Debtor or Authorized Agent WARNING TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR: To request a hearing, this document, or one similar, must be received by the Court within 10 business days after you receive Garnishee222s Answer, unless you show good reason for the delay. American LegalNet, Inc.

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