Stepparent Adoption Confidential Court Investigators Information And Referral Form {5000} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Stepparent Adoption Confidential Court Investigators Information And Referral Form {5000} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Stepparent Adoption Confidential Court Investigators Information And Referral Form {5000}

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5000 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SOLANO Stepparent Adoption Confidential Court Investigator's Information & Referral Form Please answer the following questions thoroughly. Attach additional pages to this form if necessary. Return the completed form to the Court Investigators Office as soon as possible. Case Number: Date Petition Filed: 1. PETITIONER (This is the person asking to adopt a stepchild) Name: Home Address: DOB: Telephone: ( (home) ) ) ( (work) ) ) ( ( (other) (cellular) Social Security Number: Driver's License Number: Sex: Height: Weight: Hair: Eyes: Date of Present Marriage/Registration of Domestic Partnership: List all prior marriages and registered domestic partnerships: Name of Previous Spouse or Partner: Date of Marriage or Registration of Domestic Partnership: Marriage/Partnership Ended Because: Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Date Marriage or Partnership Ended: Turn over and continue on other side... Solano County Local Form no. 5000 Rev. 08/08 Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 5000 Have you obtained the consent of both of the child's parents for this adoption? If you answered "no", please explain: Yes No Have you ever been referred, cited, or arrested for child neglect or abuse? If you answered "yes", please explain: Yes No Have you ever been arrested for any reason within the last 10 years? If you answered "yes", please explain: Yes No 2. PARENT RETAINING CUSTODY (This is the petitioner's spouse or registered domestic partner) Name: Social Security Number: Driver's License Number: List all prior marriages and registered domestic partnerships: Name of Previous Spouse or Partner: Date of Marriage or Registration of Domestic Partnership: Marriage/Partnership Ended Because: Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Divorce Annulment Death Notice of Termination of RDP Date Marriage or Partnership Ended: DOB: Solano County Local Form no. 5000 Rev. 08/08 Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.

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