Declaration In Support Of Application For Order For Publication Of Summons {323} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

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Declaration In Support Of Application For Order For Publication Of Summons {323} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Declaration In Support Of Application For Order For Publication Of Summons {323}

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323 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO.(Optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SOLANO STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: 600 Union Avenue P.O. Caller 5000 Fairfield, CA 94533 321 Tuolumne Street 321 Tuolumne Street Vallejo, CA 94590 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT: DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS (FAMILY LAW) I, , declare as follows: CASE NUMBER: 1. I have been unable to locate or serve the respondent, 2. The respondent's last known address was: . . To the best of my knowledge, he or she last lived at this address on (date): a. I spoke with the current resident(s) of this address on (date): Name of resident: Information given: . . Name of resident: Information given: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. b. I did not speak with the current resident(s) of this address because (explain): Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. c. I spoke with the neighbor(s) of the respondent's last known address on (date): Name of neighbor: Information given: . Name of neighbor: Information given: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Adopted for Mandatory Use Solano County Local Form no. 323 Eff. 09/08 American LegalNet, Inc. SCLR 5.4 Page 1 of 4 323 IN RE: CASE NUMBER: d. I did not speak with neighbors of the person's last known address because (explain): Continued on attached sheet. Include the case name and case number at the top of each page. e. I spoke with , the respondent's current or last known landlord, and asked whether he or she knew where the respondent could be located. The answer I was given was: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. f. I did not speak with the respondent's current or last known landlord regarding the person's whereabouts because: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. 3. To the best of my knowledge, the respondent was last believed or known to live in the following county or counties: . I checked the following public records in each of the above listed counties: Real and personal property indexes in the county recorder's office. Real and personal property indexes in the county assessor's office. The local telephone directory. Directory assistance. The county's vital statistics office. Any non-confidential court files concerning or involving the respondent. The information I obtained as a result of these searches is: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. 4. 5. I have searched for the respondent through all appropriate Internet search engines. A printout of the results of my search is attached. I have spoken with the respondent's last known employer, regarding the respondent's whereabouts. The answer I was given was: , Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Adopted for Mandatory Use Solano County Local Form no. 323 Eff. 09/08 American LegalNet, Inc. SCLR 5.4 Page 2 of 4 323 IN RE: CASE NUMBER: 6. I have spoken with the respondent's relatives, friends, or other individuals who might have knowledge of the respondent's whereabouts. The individuals I spoke to are: Name: Relationship: I was told: Name: Relationship: I was told: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. 7. a. I believe or have reason to believe the respondent may be in prison or in jail. I have checked the following: The county jail in the following California counties: I was told that: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. b. The California Department of Corrections Identification Unit/Inmate Locater at (916) 445-6713. I was told that: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. c. The federal Bureau of Prisons inmate locater website at I was told that: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. d. Any appropriate jails or prisons in the following state(s): I was told that: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Adopted for Mandatory Use Solano County Local Form no. 323 Eff. 09/08 American LegalNet, Inc. SCLR 5.4 Page 3 of 4 323 IN RE: CASE NUMBER: 8. I have made the following other efforts to locate and serve the respondent: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. 9. I believe the respondent might know about this case because: Continued on attached sheet. Include your case name and case number at the top of each page. Number of pages attached: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (Signature of Declarant) DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS Adopted for Mandatory Use Solano County Local Form no. 323 Eff. 09/08 American LegalNet, Inc. SCLR 5.4 Page 4 of 4

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