Meet And Confer Orders {010} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   Solano   Family 
Meet And Confer Orders {010} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/4/2020

Meet And Confer Orders {010}

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010 MATTER OF (Last names, first names of parties) CASE NUMBER: MEET AND CONFER ORDERS (SEE PARAGRAPH 3 IF THERE ARE RESTRAINING ORDERS IN EFFECT NOW.) 1. a. The parties and/or attorneys are ordered to peaceably contact each other, immediately upon service of these papers, and to make at least one peaceable attempt to settle these issues, before the date of this hearing. b. Each party and/or attorney shall make good faith, reasonable proposals on all issues in the attached documents, and shall try to settle all of the issues. They shall do this in writing or by fax or e-mail, or by telephone, or in person. c. If the issues in the attached documents include child support, or temporary spousal support, each party shall prepare and give the other a printout of his or her proposed DissoMasterTM or other computerized support calculation, before the date of the hearing. d. If the parties both agree that the scheduled hearing is not necessary, both parties or attorneys shall immediately notify the assigned judicial department, or the Court may impose sanctions upon one or both of the parties or attorneys. 2. a. On the date of the hearing, and in addition to any mediation about child issues on that same date, the parties and/or their attorneys shall peaceably meet and confer a second time, and make reasonable, good faith efforts to settle the issues of this hearing. They shall exchange all relevant documents, updated DissoMasterTM or other computerized support calculation printouts if applicable, and other information, in good faith efforts to settle all issues of this hearing. They shall cooperate so as to clearly outline and efficiently present any unsettled issues to the court at the hearing. The court may, in its discretion, decline to consider any document or information that was not exchanged before the hearing. b. Failure to meet and confer in good faith may cause the hearing to be delayed, or postponed, or dropped from calendar, or the court may impose sanctions or other remedies upon one or both of the parties or attorneys. 3. These orders do not apply to the parties themselves if there are any restraining orders, from any court whatsoever, ordering one party to "not contact" or to "stay away" from any other party to this case, if such orders are still in effect at this time. Even if such "no contact" or "stay away" orders are in effect at this time, each party's attorney must meet and confer with the other party's attorney or the other party as stated in this Meet and Confer Order, and at the hearing the court may in its discretion order the parties themselves to meet and confer, under conditions that the court deems appropriate. NOTE: For DissoMasterTM calculations, consult with an attorney of your choice, or contact the Solano County Family Law Facilitator's Office in the Hall of Justice, 600 Union Avenue, Fairfield, CA 94533; (707) 207-7348. AUTHORITY: California Family Code section 271; Rule 5.9 of the Solano County Local Rules. Adopted for Mandatory Use Solano County Local Form no. 010 Rev. 03-08 MEET AND CONFER ORDERS Solano County Local Rule 5.9 Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.

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