Affidavit For Search Warrant {10-724} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

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Affidavit For Search Warrant {10-724} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

Last updated: 9/13/2018

Affidavit For Search Warrant {10-724}

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10-724. Affidavit for search warrant.[For use with Rule 10-215 NMRA] STATE OF NEW MEXICOCOUNTY OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTIN THE CHILDREN222S COURTIn the Matter of , a Child.No. AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT1Affiant, being duly sworn, upon his oath, states that [he] [she] has reason to believe thaton the following premises or person of (here name the person and/or describe the premises) in the city or county designated above, thereis now being concealed (set forth the name of the person or describe the property as particularly as possible) and that thefacts tending to establish the foregoing grounds for issuance of a search warrant are as follows:(include facts in support of the credibility of any hearsay relied upon; if necessary, continue onreverse side of this form or on a separate page or pages). Affiant222s Signature Official Title (if any) Subscribed and sworn to before me in the above-named county of the State of New Mexico this day of , . Judge, Notary or other officer authorized toadminister oaths Official Title USE NOTE American LegalNet, Inc. 1.The affidavit shall be filed in the same file as the search warrant. If no criminalproceedings are filed, the affidavit and warrant shall be filed in a miscellaneous file. Either thisform or the form approved for an affidavit for search warrant in an adult criminal proceedingmay be used in the children222s court.[As amended by Supreme Court Order No. 11-8300-044, effective January 16, 2012; 10-411recompiled and amended as 10-724 by Supreme Court Order No. 16-8300-017, effective for allcases pending or filed on or after December 31, 2016.] American LegalNet, Inc.

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