Petition {10-703} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

 New Mexico   Statewide   Childrens Court 
Petition {10-703} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

Last updated: 9/13/2018

Petition {10-703}

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10-703. Petition.[For use with Rule 10-211 NMRA]STATE OF NEW MEXICOCOUNTY OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTIN THE CHILDREN222S COURTIn the Matter of , a Child.No. PETITIONThe undersigned states that (name of child) is a delinquentchild.The child222s birth date is:The child222s address is:Theaddress of the child222s parents, guardian, custodian or spouse is as follows: Name AddressRelationship NameAddressRelationship (If the child has no parents, guardian, custodian, or spouse residing in this state, set forth theadult with whom the child resides or the known adult relative residing nearest to the court.)1The above-named child did: (set forth essential facts) contrary to Section(s) (citation to criminal statute or otherlaw or ordinance allegedly violated).2 The acts alleged were committed within county.(complete applicable alternatives)The child is:[ ]not in detention.[ ]being detained at (address), New Mexico. The child has been in detention since at .m. American LegalNet, Inc. Probation services has completed a preliminary inquiry in this matter and the children222scourt attorney, after consultation with probation services, has determined that the filing of apetition is in the best interest of the public and the child.Children222s Court AttorneyAddressTelephone numberUSE NOTE1.If any information concerning the child222s birth date, address, family or guardian isnot known, please state 223not known224.2.If the delinquent act is a violation of a traffic ordinance, NMSA 1978, Section35-15-2 requires that the section or subsection defining the offense and the title of the ordinancebe set forth.[As amended, effective October 1, 1996; 10-406 recompiled and amended as 10-703 by SupremeCourt Order No. 16-8300-017, effective for all cases pending or filed on or after December 31,2016.] American LegalNet, Inc.

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