Notification Of Case Number E-Filed Appeals Or Transferred Matters | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

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Notification Of Case Number E-Filed Appeals Or Transferred Matters | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 9/17/2018

Notification Of Case Number E-Filed Appeals Or Transferred Matters

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SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION 226 DEPARTMENT------------------------------------------------------------------xPlaintiff/Petitioner, - against -Case No. Defendant/Respondent.------------------------------------------------------------------xNOTIFICATION OF CASE NUMBERE-FILED APPEALS OR TRANSFERRED MATTERSPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that counsel for the appellant or the petitioner in an appeal ortransferred matter of a case type designated for electronic filing, or a self-represented appellant orself-represented petitioner in such a matter, has entered in NYSCEF or other court-approved e-filing system such information about the matter and parties and such notice of appearance as the court may require. This notification is being served as required by Rule 247 . The case number for this [ ] appeal[ ] transferred matter is .Within fourteen (14) days of service of this notification, counsel to all other parties in thismatter, or other self-represented parties, shall:(a) (i) if not registered, register as authorized e-filing users with NYSCEF or court-approved site; and (ii) enter in NYSCEF or other court-approved e-filing system such contactinformation and additional information as the court may require;or(b) if a self-represented party or an attorney exempt from e-filing, serve upon allparties and file with the court by hard copy service method, an appropriate notice ofstatus as a self-represented party or attorney exemption certification. Self-represented litigants are exempt from e-filing, but may voluntarily participate in e-filingin this matter by:(a) serving on all parties at any time and filing with the court a notice of consent toparticipate in electronic filing (AD EF226 #); Case #Page 1 of 2AD EF # American LegalNet, Inc. (b) registering as an authorized e-filing user with NYSCEF or other court-approvedsite; and(c) serving and filing documents by electronic means as provided under these rules.Note: A self-represented litigant who has consented to participate in e-filing in this mattermay withdraw such consent at any time by filing and serving on all parties a notice of intent tocease e-filing (AD EF # ). Important: Under Rule 247 [C(5)(c)] , upon the expiration of the 14 day registrationand notice period, any party, other than persons exempt from e-filing, who fails to meet hisor her obligation to register and enter information will be deemed served with any documentelectronically filed in this matter.For information on how to participate in e-filing, self-represented litigants should contact theappropriate clerk in the court where the matter was filed or visit unrepresented. Self-represented litigants also are encouraged to visit .For additional information about electronic filing and to create a NYSCEF account, visit theNYSCEF website at or contact the NYSCEF Resource Center (phone: 646-386-3033; e-mail: Dated: SignatureAddress Name Firm NamePhone E-Mail To: 6/21/17Case #Page 2 of 2 AD EF # American LegalNet, Inc.

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