Application For Renewal Of An Extreme Risk Protection Order {UCS-6345A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

 New York   Statewide   Supreme Court   General 
Application For Renewal Of An Extreme Risk Protection Order {UCS-6345A} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 11/27/2024

Application For Renewal Of An Extreme Risk Protection Order {UCS-6345A}

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UCS-6345/A - APPLICATION TO RENEW EXTREME RISK PROTECTION ORDER (ERPO) [CPLR § 6345]. This form is used in New York State to request the renewal of an ERPO, which temporarily prohibits an individual from purchasing, possessing, or attempting to purchase or possess firearms, rifles, shotguns, or ammunition. This application is submitted to the court before the expiration of an existing ERPO. It is based on evidence that the respondent continues to pose a risk of harm to themselves or others. The petitioner must provide details about the respondent's behavior, supporting evidence, and justification for renewal. Petitioners can include law enforcement, family members, medical professionals, or school officials. The form may also include requests for confidentiality if revealing the petitioner's information poses a safety risk.

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