Last updated: 12/18/2020
Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage-Civil Union (Divorce No Children) {DV-P 103.3}
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This form is approved by the Illinois Supreme Court and is required to be accepted in all Illinois Circuit Courts. DV - P 103.2 Page 1 of 5 ( 01 / 18 ) STATE OF ILLINOIS , PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE / CIVIL UNION (DIVORCE NO CHILDREN) For Court Use Only CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY I nstructions Directly above, enter county where you will file this case. Enter your name as Petitioner . P etitioner ( First, middle, last name ) Enter the name of your spouse/partner as Respondent. v. The Circuit Clerk will add a Case Number. Respondent ( First, middle, last name ) Case Number Read the How to Get a Divorce (No Children) for definitions and how to go court. 1. I am the Petitioner in this case. 2. I am providing the following information about where I live and where the Respondent (my spouse/partner) lives: In 2a, if you check 223Yes,224 enter the date you started living in Illinois. a . I live in Illinois: Yes, since: No Date b . Respondent lives in Illinois : In 2b, if you check 223Yes,224 enter the date the Respondent started living in Illinois. Yes, since: No Do not k now Date 3 . I am providing the following information about myself: In 3a, enter your age. a. Age : In 3b, check all boxes that apply to you. If you are employed, enter your job title. b . I am employed (c heck all that apply) : Yes No I receive Social Security benefits I am employed as: Job Title In 3c, if you want to go back to a former name, check 223Yes224 and enter that name. c . I would like to go back to using my maiden or a former name: Yes No Former Last N ame: In 4a, enter the Respondent222s age. Last 4 . I am providing the following information about the Respondent (my spouse/partner) : In 4b, check the box that applies. If you check 223Yes,224 enter the Respondent222s current complete address. If you check 223No,224 you must have tried to find Respondent222s address. a. Age : b. I know the Respondent222s current address: Yes Address : Street , Apt # City State ZIP No, but I tried to find the Respondent and could not find his/her current address. c. The Respondent is employed (c heck all that apply) : In 4c, check all boxes that apply to the Respondent. If the Respondent is employed, enter his/her job title. Yes No D o not know Respondent receives Social Security benefits The Respondent is employed as: Job Title American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - P 103.2 Page 2 of 5 ( 01 / 18 ) In 4 d , check the box that applies. If the Respondent is on active duty with the military, you cannot use this form, unless the Respondent files an appearance. d . The Respondent is currently on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States of America: Yes No Do n ot k now 5 . I am providing the following information about the Marriage Civil Union: In 5 , check whether it is a marriage or civil union. a. We were married/ united on: Date In 5 a , enter the date you were married/united. b. We were married/ united in : County State Country In 5 b , enter the county, state, and country where the marriage/civil union happened. c . This is the first time that either the Respondent or I have filed for divorce from each other in Illinois or any other state: Yes No In 5 c , check 223Yes224 if this is the first time you or Respondent have filed for divorce from each other. d . We have been separated since: Date e. Irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage or civil union. In 5d , enter the date you separated. 6 . No children were born or adopted during this marriage/civil union and neither party is pregnant . In 7 a , check 223Yes224 if you or the Respondent have unpaid debts from after the date of the marriage/civil union. Check 223No224 only if you are sure there are no unpaid debts. 7 . I am providing the following information about the debts that the Respondent and I have after the date we got married /united (both individually and as a couple) : a. The Respondent and I have debts we got after the date of our marriage/civil union that are still owed (either together or individually ) : Yes No In 8 a , check 223Yes224 if either of you got any personal property (clothing, car, furniture, etc.) after the date of the marriage/civil union. Check 223No224 only if you are sure there is no personal property. 8. I am providing the following information about the personal property including bank accounts that the Respondent and I own (both individually and as a couple) : a. The Respondent and I own personal property and/or bank accounts obtained during the marriage/civil union: Yes No 9 . I am providing the following information about real estate: In 9a , check 223Yes224 if together you and the Respondent own a home, have a mortgage, or have a contract for deed. a. The Respondent and I own or are buying real estate together: Yes No b . I own or am buying real estate separately: Yes No In 9b , check 223Yes224 if you own a home, have a mortgage, or have a contract for deed. c. The Respondent owns or is buying real estate separately: Yes No D o not know 10 . I am providing the following information about pension/retirement accounts: In 9c , check 223Yes224 if the Respondent owns a home, has a mortgage, or has a contract for deed. a. I have pension or retirement accounts: Yes No b. The Respondent has pension or retirement accounts: In 10 a , check the box that applies to you. Yes No D o not know In 10 b , check the box that applies to the Respondent. American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the Case Number given by the Circuit Clerk: DV - P 103.2 Page 3 of 5 ( 01 / 18 ) In 11, check yes if you have any claims that you are owed for money damages or injuries, whether you have filed the case or not. 11. I have a claim for money for injuries or damages that I have suffered ( w orker's compensation, personal injury, accident, etc. ) Yes No 1 2 . I am providing the following information about maintenance/spousal support : In 12a, check 223Yes224 if you can support yourself. Check 223No224 if you need support from the Respondent. a. I am able to support myself without maintenance / spousal support: Yes No b. Respondent is able to support himself/herself without maintenance or spousal support: Yes No D o not know In 12b, check 223Yes224 if the Respondent can support himself/herself. Otherwise check 223No224 or 223Do not know.224 I ASK THE COURT TO ORDER: A. A Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (Divorce No Children) for me and my spouse /partner . In F, check 223Me224 if you want to get spousal support from the Respondent; check 223Respondent224 if you want to pay spousal support to the Respondent; or check 223Neither224 if you do not want to get or pay spousal support. B . That I get to keep all of my non - marital/non - civil union property . C . That the Respondent gets to keep all of his/her non - marital/non - civil union property. D . A fair division of the marital /civil union property . E . A fair division of the debts obtained during the marriage/civil union. F . That maintenance / spousal support be awarded to: Me Respondent Neither In G, check 223Yes224 if you want to go back to using a former name. G . That after the divorce I be allowed to return to using my former name: Yes No Not applicable Under the Code of Civil Procedure, 735 ILCS 5/1-109 , making a statement on this form that you know to be false is perjury, a Class 3 Felony. I certify that everything in the Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage / Civil Union (Divorce Children) is true and correct. I understand that making a false statement on this form is perjury and has penalties provided by law under 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109 . /s/ If you are completing this form on a computer, sign your name by typing it. If you are completing it by hand, sign and print your name. Your Signature Street Address Print Your Name City, State, ZIP Enter your complete current address and telephone number. If you need to keep your address secret from your spouse because of domestic violence, you may use another address. That address must be one at which you can receive mail about the case. Telephone American LegalNet, Inc. www.F