Financial Affidavit (Family And Divorce Cases) {DV-A 120.4} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

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Financial Affidavit (Family And Divorce Cases) {DV-A 120.4} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 5/22/2024

Financial Affidavit (Family And Divorce Cases) {DV-A 120.4}

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DV-A 120.4 - FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT (FAMILY & DIVORCE CASES). This form approved by the Illinois Supreme Court, is used in all Illinois Circuit Courts for family and divorce cases. Its primary purpose is to provide a detailed financial overview of an individual involved in a family or divorce proceeding. The form collects comprehensive information about income, expenses, debts, and assets, which is crucial for the court to make informed decisions regarding matters such as spousal support, child support, division of property, and other financial issues related to the case. If you intentionally or recklessly enter inaccurate or misleading information on this form, you may face significant penalties and sanctions, including costs and attorney's fees; If you need more room for a section, complete and attach the Additional Information form for that section. Do not file this document and the enclosures with the Circuit Clerk unless a local rule or court order requires you to do so. Ask the Circuit Clerk where to find these rules.

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