Additional Investment-Brokerage Mutual Funds Secured Unsecured Notes (Financial Affidavit) {DV-B 126.2} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

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Additional Investment-Brokerage Mutual Funds Secured Unsecured Notes (Financial Affidavit) {DV-B 126.2} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 4/17/2024

Additional Investment-Brokerage Mutual Funds Secured Unsecured Notes (Financial Affidavit) {DV-B 126.2}

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DV-B 126.2 - ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT/BROKERAGE ACCOUNTS, MUTUAL FUNDS, AND SECURED OR UNSECURED NOTES (FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT). The form is used in Illinois circuit courts to provide detailed information about an individual's financial assets. It specifically captures data about additional investment/brokerage accounts, mutual funds, secured or unsecured notes, and cryptocurrency balances. This form is part of a larger financial affidavit and is necessary in legal proceedings, particularly in pre-judgment or post-judgment situations, where understanding a party's financial status is important for the court's decision-making. Information provided includes a description of the asset, ownership details, and the balance of each asset. Accurately completing the form is crucial, as misleading or inaccurate information may result in penalties and sanctions, including costs and attorney's fees.

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