Last updated: 7/22/2021
Articles Of Incorporation Professional Service Corporation {BCA-2.10 PSCA}
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FORM BCA 2.10 (PSCA) (rev. Dec. 2003) ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Professional Service Corporation Secretary of State Department of Business Services 501 S. Second St., Rm. 350 Springfield, IL 62756 217-782-9522 www.cyberdriveillinois.com Remit payment in the form of a cashier's check, certified check, money order or an Illinois attorney's or CPA's check payable to Secretary of State. SEE NOTE 1 ON REVERSE TO DETERMINE FEES. Filing Fee: $150 Franchise Tax $_____________ Total $____________ File #_________________________ 1. Corporate Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Must end with one of the following words or abbreviations: "Chartered," "Limited," "Ltd.," "Professional Corporation," "Prof. Corp." or "P.C." First Name Number City Middle Name Street Last Name -------- Submit in duplicate -------- Type or Print clearly in black ink -------- Do not write above this line -------- Approved: _______ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Initial Registered Agent: ___________________________________________________________________________ Initial Registered Office: ___________________________________________________________________________ Suite # (P.O. Box alone is unacceptable) County ZIP Code Initial Registered Office: __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Purpose(s) for which the Corporation is organized: Professional Corporation: To practice the profession of ________________________________________________, rendering that type of professional service and services ancillary thereto. Professional service will be rendered from the following address(es): Number and Street City ______________________________________________________________________________________________ State ZIPCode 4. Paragraph 1: Authorized Shares, Issued Shares and Consideration Received: Class Number of Shares Authorized ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: The preferences, qualification, limitations, restrictions and special or relative rights in respect of the shares of each class are: For more space, attach additional sheets of this size. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. September 2015 - 1 - C 324.4 Number of Shares Proposed to be Issued Consideration to be Received Therefore _______________________________________________________________________$______________________ TOTAL = $______________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 5. OPTIONAL: a. Number of directors constituting the initial board of directors of the Corporation: ____________________________ b. Names and addresses of persons who will serve as directors until the first annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualify. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. OPTIONAL: a. Estimated value of all property to be owned by the Corporation for the following year wherever located: b. Estimated value of the property to be located within the State of Illinois during the following year: c. Estimated gross amount of business that will be transacted by the corporation during the following year: d. Estimated gross amount of business that will be transacted from places of business in the State of Illinois during the following year: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ $___________________________ $___________________________ $___________________________ $___________________________ Name Address City, State, ZIP 7. OPTIONAL: OTHER PROVISIONS Attach a separate sheet of this size for any other provision to be included in the Articles of Incorporation (e.g., authorizing preemptive rights, denying cumulative voting, regulating internal affairs, voting majority requirements, fixing a duration other than perpetual, etc.). 8. NAME(S) and ADDRESS(ES) OF INCORPORATOR(S) The undersigned incorporator(s) hereby declare(s), under penalties of perjury, that the statements made in the foregoing Articles of Incorporation are true and correct. Dated ________________________________ , ______ Signature and Name Signature Month & Day Year 1. ___________________________________________ Name (type or print) Signature 1. ___________________________________________ 1. ___________________________________________ Street City/Town State ZIP Code Address 2. ___________________________________________ 1. ___________________________________________ Name (type or print) Signature 2. ___________________________________________ Street City/Town State ZIP Code 1. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 1. ___________________________________________ Name (type or print) 3. ___________________________________________ Street City/Town State ZIP Code 1. ___________________________________________ Note 1: Fee Schedule The initial franchise tax is assessed at the rate of 15/100 of 1 percent ($1.50 per $1,000) on the paid-in capital represented in this State. (Minimum initial franchise tax is $25.) The filing fee is $150 The minimum total due (franchise tax + filing fee) is $175. Signatures must be in BLACK INK on original document. Carbon copy, photocopy or rubber stamp signatures may only be used on conformed copies. NOTE: The incorporator must be either one or more persons licensed pursuant to the relevant profession or an Illinois attorney. Firm name Attention 1. ___________________________________________ Note 2: Return to: _______________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ City, State, ZIP Code American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com