Initial Guardianship Plan For Minor {5.904(a)} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Florida

 Florida   Statewide   Probate 
Initial Guardianship Plan For Minor {5.904(a)} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Florida

Last updated: 6/7/2022

Initial Guardianship Plan For Minor {5.904(a)}

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5.904(a) - INITIAL GUARDIANSHIP PLAN FOR MINOR. This form is used in the Circuit Court of Florida for a guardian to submit an initial guardianship plan for a minor ward. The plan covers the period from a specified start date to an end date and includes details about the ward's current address, proposed medical, dental, mental, and personal care services, social and personal services, and the most suitable residential setting for the ward. It also outlines the necessary physical and mental examinations, the ward's educational plans, and ensures the plan honors the ward’s wishes to the extent reasonable. The form requires the guardian's signature under penalty of perjury and, if applicable, the signature of the attorney representing the guardian. A certificate of service is also included if the ward is 14 years of age or older.

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