Last updated: 1/16/2023
Jury Demand Form
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(Copy Receipt) SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF SPOKANE (Clerk's Date Stamp) Plaintiff/Petitioner: ________________________ vs. Defendant/Respondent: _____________________ CASE NO. _____________________ CIVIL JOINT CASE STATUS REPORT DO NOT FILE 1. Case Information: a. b. Party Attorney Address Case type (e.g. personal injury auto, malpractice - medical): List the parties and who represent them. Party Attorney Address Phone No Email Address Contact Person Participated in Preparation of Joint Case Status Report: Yes No Phone No Email Address Contact Person Participated in Preparation of Joint Case Status Report Yes No CIVIL JOINT CASE STATUS REPORT LAR 0.4.1(e) PAGE 1 OF 3 (Rev. 05/2006) American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com Party Attorney Address Party Attorney Address Phone No Email Address Contact Person Participated in Preparation of Joint Case Status Report: Yes No Phone No Email Address Contact Person Participated in Preparation of Joint Case Status Report Yes No If there are additional parties, list above information on separate page. c. d. Amount in controversy and range of damages requested, including cross claims and Counter-claims: Specify equitable relief requested. e. f. g. h. Subject to Mandatory Arbitration? Have answers been filed? Have all parties been joined? Have all parties been served? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 2. Case Management Information: a. Pursuant to LAR 0.4(a), the court expects this case to be resolved within 12 months. If there is a reason why this is impractical, please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ CIVIL JOINT CASE STATUS REPORT LAR 0.4.1(e) PAGE 2 OF 3 (Rev. 05/2006) American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com b. c. d. The parties agree to go through mediation/alternative dispute resolution? Yes The parties agree to stipulate to the appointment of a judge pro tempore ? Yes Are there any unique issues requiring special preparation by the court? Yes If yes, explain. No No No e. f. g. Estimated length of trial days or hours required Will a jury be demanded? Yes No Six person Twelve person Attorneys, parties, or witness(s) have the following special need that needs to be addressed: Hearing Impaired Language Interpreter Other (Please contact the assigned court department involving of special needs requests five days before scheduled court hearings and trials.) Date: _______________________ FOR JUDICIAL USE ONLY Next Anticipated Event and Date of Event _______________________________ Second Status Conference Date ________________________________________ Judge's Notes CIVIL JOINT CASE STATUS REPORT LAR 0.4.1(e) PAGE 3 OF 3 (Rev. 05/2006) American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com